Source for that is classic. That is, if you have not cast in the last 5 seconds. That means 2 spirit equal 1 mp5 when not casting. So it comes down to your playstyle. If you are constantly casting, for example rank 4 healing touch then you are constantly in a state where 13 spirit equal 1 mp5. If you are almost never casting anything somehow then 2 spirit equal 1 mp5.
Usually you are somewhere in between those two extremes. Go with 10 spirit equal 1 mp5 I guess. Consider this, if you are spamming heals with a 1.
However, add in ms of latency, and suddenly your cast time becomes 1. In this case, you can only cast 37 times a minute. Now this may not seem like a huge difference but look at it this way. With ms therefore a 1. The subtleties of latency are intricate and so perhaps I am overstating the facts a bit, but any way you run the numbers you are still gimped in your healing ability depending on your latency.
Take another example. If ms translates into 0. Each cycle now exceeds 7 sec the time of LB and therefore keeping 4 stacks on 4 targets would now prove impossible. How This Information Affects Trinket Selection The main thing I want to use this information for, is to discuss the way certain trinkets proc if they have a standard chance per cast to proc.
With absolutely no latency, this translates into 1 proc every 75 seconds 50 x 1. However, with ms of latency, this changes the proc rate significantly to potentially 1 proc every 90 seconds 50 x 1. This can significantly change the value of that particular trinket, so when choosing which trinkets are right for you, please be conscious of your average latency, and how it will affect that trinket's performance.
I'm not gonna list every last piece of gear that you could possibly get and rate it to tell you how good it is. Because, in reality, you should be looking more at your total stats than each individual piece of gear.
These are just general pieces of advice:. I assume that you all know what spell coefficients are. If not, go here and read up. All of this data is taken from the WoWWiki page: Spell power coefficients.
How do talents like "Empowered Rejuvenation" Affect Coefficients? These are the best gems for a resto druid at the moment using patch 2.
I am not including Black Temple gems because I figure if you're at that point in your game, you know enough to make decisions for yourself. Remember, heroic gems will not be unique-equip in 2. Updated with WotLK gems on Yellow Sockets: These gems add purely intellect and primarily increase your mana pool. Intellect also increases spell critical strike and as of patch 2.
Blue Sockets: Gems for Spirit. Generally useless, as you should be going for MP5 rather than Spirit. Any Socket: These prismatic gems require you to have Jewelcrafting as a profession and have at least skill points in the profession. You can only equip gear with a total of three of these gems at any one time, but you can have more of them socketed on gear in your inventory. If you're spamming instacasts which you should be that's the equivalent of 20 mp5.
Although, in reality, it will be a little less than this, that's still a LOT of regen. Otherwise I would definitely take the regen Otherwise Restore Mana Prime is better for regen.
Cloak: [ Enchant Cloak - Subtlety ] , or [ Enchant Cloak - Greater Shadow Resistance ] Shadow resist can be useful in raids situationally, but it gives a small chance to resist fears a small chance, but a chance none-the-less.
Subtlety is better in 5-mans, but SR is the enchant used by a lot of high-end raiders because an amazing number of debuffs are shadow based It's just because 30 healing is a LOT of healing when compared to 6 mp5. Take whichever you need more of. Weapon Every good druid will have three weapons that they swap between while healing:. Let me explain: You see Spellsurge gives you and your group a lot of regen, and currently it has a fairly high chance to proc.
She's smart and funny and neat and stuff, so go check her out. Her blog , check her blog out. Something to keep in mind, there are a lot more choices for healers than tanks. Having Primal Mooncloth or Windhawk is not necessary for us to do our jobs. And in Karazhan, we can lean on the other healers you bring and let them help us out, unlike a tank who must hold aggro unless the mechanics say otherwise. In fact, getting Primal Mooncloth or Windhawk is almost over-gearing for Karazhan.
Because Kara is easier on healers than heroics. Resto's have difficulty with our specific style of healing HoT-based in mitigating high damage output. However, Dreamstate spec may be a little less stringent on the 1.
Spirit — only class which gains more mp5 benefit from spirit than druids are priests. Intellect — increases size of mana pool, and increases mp5 gain of spirit. Mana Regen mp5 — about as good as spirit, you always know what you are getting with this. Stamina — you need big health pools so you can survive through AoE, splash and targeted damage. It should come naturally with your gear. Non-priority at this time : Spell Haste — this becomes more important as you move to endgame, but is unnecessary for a new 70 raiding Resto Druid.
And too many crits is bad for you even then, as you have no aggro drop. Bellwethers thoughts on Instances : Magister's Terrace is the best instance for restoration gear.
However, it is a higher level than other instances, even on normal. However, it should be noted that druids do very well as healer in Magister's, and should have less problems than a Paladin. Shadow Labs is a must. Dreamstate druids will want the Idol from Karazhan and they should be switched out based upon group role and need.
Sha'tar reputation is very handy for the mace, and Arcatraz and Botanica have many different and beneficial Restoration Druid drops, including the sticks-and-leaves shoulders all the Resto Druids want.
Hallowed Raiment was included since a single piece of Hallowed is better than a single piece of Moonglade; however the set bonus does nothing for a Druid. Trying for more than one piece is superfluous. Do not be afraid to wear cloth. Cloth healing is designed with Priests in mind, and Druids and Priests share similar stat mechanics.
Wearing a mix of leather and cloth healing is perfectly fine. You will not be all that much more squishy, and that should be your only complaint. Some cloth is better than leather at the same level. Do not be afraid to wear "caster" aka spell damage gear if it is better than what you are wearing.
This will be rare, but there is no reason not to wear an upgrade just because it's not the proper "type.