How much protein stronglifts

Carbs are an important macro for weight training to put on size. They serve more positive purposes in training than I care to get into. Do your research on diet and hit up the nutrition boards. I would start replacing some of those clean fats with good carb sources if you want t train optimally and put on size. The intermittent fasting is a complete waste of time when you're bulking. All you're doing is driving your blood sugar down for a long period of time and impairing your ability to recover.

I have yet to find scientific research done that prove that it's beneficial in cutting, honestly. I will intermittently fast during a cutting period but it's honestly just because I want to have a couple of bigger meals later in the day, before and after training.

Your high protein intake is just draining money out of your pocket and it's unnecessary. Research on muscle protein synthesis has shown that folks really only need 1. So, your body is going to optimally use around grams of protein per day while weight training.

So, I would suggest you save yourself some money and dial back on your protein intake as you're not getting anything extra from it. The Iron will always kick you the real deal.

The Iron is the great reference point, the all-knowing perspective giver. Always there like a beacon in the pitch black. I have found the Iron to be my greatest friend. It never freaks out on me, never runs. Friends may come and go. To build muscle you must do compound exercises that work several muscles at the same time.

Most people try to build muscle with isolation exercises like curls, flies and leg extension. This is ineffective because the weight is too light.

Only one muscle group lifts the weight while the rest is taken out of the movement. This limits how heavy you can go. Yet size requires strength. You can go heavier on the Squat than leg extension because your hips help your legs lift the weight. You can go heavier on the Bench Press than flies because your arms help your chest. You can go heavier with compound exercises because several muscle groups are involved. The heavier the weight you lift, the bigger the stress on your body, and the bigger the stimulus to grow stronger and bigger muscles.

You lift big, you get big. You lift bigger weights with compounds than isolation exercises. Progressive overload is also easier to apply on compound exercises. More muscles are working and the weight is heavier. Adding 2. You can add weight longer with compound exercises. Compound exercises build more muscle symmetry. You build a more balance physique instead. Compound exercises work your body the way you use it in the real world. You never use only one muscle group outside the gym.

Your body always moves as one piece. They build fake gym strength. This saves time compared to doing isolation exercises where you need double the amount of exercises to work your whole body. Many people think you need to work a muscle directly for it to grow. If this was true we would have powerlifters with a barrel chest from benching but pencil arms from barely curling.

Yet their arms grow bigger because they hold and press the weight when they bench. This triggers growth. One exercise to pump and shape it, maybe. But not five. That can be counter-productive because your arms are small muscles that need recovery to grow. Much of the confusion comes from seeing bodybuilders doing mostly isolation. But again, many of the top bodybuilders were strong as bulls. They built strength and size by doing mostly compound exercises first. They only did isolation later in their career.

Quote from Arnold again…. Then all the faults of poor early training stand out as hopeless, almost irreparable flaws. I was building up, bulking, going after the mass, which to me meant pounds of sheer body weight. I just wanted to build a gigantic pound body by handling a lot of weight and blasting my muscles. My mind was into looking huge, into being awesome and powerful.

I saw it working. My muscles began bursting out all over. And I knew I was on my way. If you double your Bench from lb to lb, you double the strength of your chest, shoulders and arms. So you can now do those flies with more weight than before. That means you get better results from the isolation.

Training matters most for building muscle. Because training stimulates your body to build muscle. Lifting heavy weights stresses your body.

Your body reacts by getting stronger and adding muscle mass so it can better copy with that stress next time. But for people who train naturally like us, training matters more than diet for building muscle.

Diet only matters more than training when it comes to losing fat. Which thus includes getting visible abs. But to gain overall muscle mass, you need heavy lifting in the first place to stimulate growth. Muscle and fat are two separate issues.

The number one thing that makes you fat is eating too much food — more calories than you burn. And lifters usually eat more to support their training.

The obvious solution when you stop lifting is to also stop eating so much. Because again, training matters more than diet for building muscle. They can train consistently unlike most guys who get distracted, busy, and skip workouts. Prisoners have plenty of time to rest.

They can train harder, consistently, and thus build more muscle. Prisoners often get three meals a day. Meals need to meet a certain amount of calories. Of course, some prisoners may have access to steroids. And not all prisoners get huge. But they can focus on training day after day after day. Training is king for building muscle. Building muscle is harder. You have to train hard, consistently, and get stronger.

At best this will make you gain half a pound of muscle per week or 2lb per month. Building muscle is harder than losing fat. Obese guys can build muscle while losing fat when they start lifting — their bodies can use their bigger fat reserves for fuel. But skinny-fat guys who are new to lifting will have a harder time to build muscle while losing fat. They end up eating either too much food to lose fat, or not enough food to build muscle.

So they end up spinning their wheels going back and forth between bulking and cutting. I usually recommend to build muscle first because losing fat is easier. Mehdi Hadim, author and creator of the website StrongLifts, outlines this workout in conjunction with a specific diet plan 1. He stresses eight nutritional rules to help you be successful in a 5x5 workout program 1.

By starting out your day with a good breakfast, you will be less hungry and less likely to snack throughout the day. The StrongLifts diet suggests that you stay away from carbohydrates such as cereals for breakfast 1. Vegetable omelets with feta cheese and spices, cottage cheese with fruit and chopped nuts, or a fruit smoothie with whey are all good options for your breakfast.

This diet recommends that you eat smaller meals every three hours. Going longer between meals may cause you to overeat to satisfy your hunger. Suggestions for snacks are nuts, carrots or fruit with low-fat yogurt. Building muscles and losing fat requires protein, and in the StrongLifts diet you should have 1 g for every 1 lb 1.

For example, if you weigh lbs. Sources of protein include:. And I am increasing the weight often enough that workouts are becoming quite difficult. Programs focused on 5x5 or 3x5 are jack of all trades programs with just enough volume to induce a bit of growth in very skinny beginners who never did any exercise in their entire life, and just enough weight to cause a bit of strength adaptations.

Talking from personal experience, if you were active in your past a 5x5 program wont do much and you will stop progressing in months. You need a program for you to maximize the minimum. Specificity of training is very important, train either for strength, muscle building or fat loss or whatever other athletic goal you have. Mixing everything may work to a point but its not optimal. Like you, I have gained some pounds after starting the program.

If you are able to keep increasing the weights on the bar and have done this for over 3 months than you are also gaining muscle mass. I started noticing a difference after 4 to 5 months so do not worry. Like you my appetite went up. That is something you have to control.

Like they say, "You get a six pack in the kitchen" not in the Gym so be careful in the kitchen! Count your calories, it is a simple equation, if you burn more calories than you intake, your body will grab the extra energy from your fat and it will melt away slowly but that is not easy. Your body will also send hunger signals before switching to using fat and this is where your mental will needs to kick in. Drink water to help when that happens Good luck.

Also a pound of body fat can contain between 3, and 3, calories, so this give you a bit of an idea what difference you need to establish to loose weight.

For example: One large avocado, two handfuls of walnuts and some beans could easily be a calorie meal. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.

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