He was extending an invitation to me, to come to visit him in Fredericksburg, Va. Yes, that Kunta Kinte. Alex Haley first introduced us to his great, great, great grandfather many years ago in the made for television mini-series, Roots.
There are some who think that Kunta Kinte is a fictional character, yet Kunta Kinte was real. In the back of the park there is a frisbee golf course, and off in the woods by the second hole there is an old slave cemetery.
It is not specifically marked as the grave of Kunta Kinte…but it is widely regarded by locals of the area to be the location of his grave. My brother used to live very close to that area and now he has come upon the information that Kunta Kinte is buried there.
This is a trip that I plan to make soon. To be continued………. Like Like. Like Liked by 2 people. Reblogged this on studiotj and commented:. I had to repost this. This is one of the most viewed posts on my blog this year. Time flies by so fast. Was wondering have you made the trip yet and if so please let me know for I want to take my sons and specially my husband for he is from Africa and had relatives whom where brought here as well!
Like Liked by 1 person. You are welcome to check out the pictures that he took around that area on my site. Again, thanks for checking out my site, studiotj.
Alex Haley plagiarized the story meaning he stole it from another black writer and the NAACP bankrolled his court case. Look it up for yourselves. Haley was not descendant of Kunta Kinte.
Thanks for your comment and thanks for visiting studiotj. Additionally the case has been settled in court. The mini series is great for TV and has certainly great for audiences worldwide. He was absolutely a descendant of Kunta Kinte and so am I.
We share common ancestors. Roots was a work of what Haley calls Faction facts mixed with fiction. My ancestors names are listed in the book Roots although there are some events that are fiction.
Kunta Kinte getting captured and stolen is definitely a fact. Visit the Alex Haley museum to further educate yourself. It was more than a TV series — it was his heritage on screen. Because he survived this.
And the irony of this is because he is caught [in Africa] is why I'm here today. She added that it also opened a scholarly debate about the way slavery is being portrayed and its accuracy. In , Haley joined the Maryland State Archives as an archivist. Six years later, Gov. Parris Glendening established a task force to study the sociological, archaeological and political ramifications of slavery in Maryland.
Haley was a part of the task force, which became a program in Three years later, he became director of The Legacy of Slavery program. Haley's staff is mining through the State Archive's Certificates of Freedom and Manumissions, documents by which owners would free their slaves.
They're entering the information into an online database, which will allow the public to search the names, descriptions or ages of relatives who were slaves or free people in Maryland. The database has about 10, entries about slaves who became free, said Ryan Cox, an archivist for the Legacy of Slavery.
The database is expected to be done by the end of the year. Kunta Kinte got his foot cut of cause he made 4 attempts 2 escape. Kunta Kinte was a Gambian-born slave whose story was the basis for the show Roots. Kunta Kinte was not a free slave he tried several times to escape and finally half his right foot was cut off to keep him from running again.
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