What's the difference between literacy and literature? Literacy Definition: n. State of being literate. Example Sentences: 1 Mother and Sister take over with more nuanced emotional literacy. However, this is not the case. It is true that literacy and literature have a genuine connection yet it is not what is assumed by the majority. To be more explicit, literacy can be defined as the ability to read and write a language up to a considerable extent.
However, literature is composed of works of art of a certain language that comes under various genres. In this sense, acquiring a certain level of literacy is fundamental for the understanding of literature. This article attempts to highlight the difference between literacy and literature while providing a basic understanding of the two terms.
As mentioned above, literacy refers to the ability of an individual to read and write a certain language. This then can be considered as an indicator of the understanding that a person has of a language. We learn about ourselves, each other and our world. Studying English as a subject means we can craft and appreciate the English language in all its communicative forms. Without English, we would not be able to interpret a well-told story, represent our view of the world or understand and appreciate the power captured in poetry.
We could miss the sensitive choices a film director makes. All the insinuations, insights and interpretations we admire are because of the subject English. And it is by understanding and using these subtleties that we can communicate and express ourselves imaginatively to engage and influence others. English needs literacy. Just like science and art need literacy. That's why the NSW syllabuses call literacy a 'General capability'. Through English, we learn about the power, value and art of the English language.
Because of English, language, literacy and literature, we can explore some of life's greatest questions and experience the world beyond our own. Skip to content Skip to search. Error while loading notifications. You have no notifications. My Essentials.