The revolution was effected before the war commenced. The revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people. A colonist cannot make a button, a horseshoe, nor a hobnail, but some snootly ironmonger or respectable buttonmaker of England shall bawl and squall that his honor's worship is most egregiously maltreated, injured, cheated, and robbed by the rascally American republicans.
We have called this a burthensome tax, because the duties are so numerous and high We further apprehend this tax to be unconstitutional. We have always understood it to be a grand and fundamental principle of the constitution, that no freeman should be subject to any tax to which he has not given his own consent, in person or by proxy We take it clearly, there fore, to be inconsistent with the spirit of the common law, and of the essential fundamental principle of the British constitution, that we should be represented in that assembly in any sense, unless it be by a fiction of law If we view the whole of the conduct of the ministry and parliament, I do not see how any one can doubt but that there is a settled fix'd plan for enslaving the colonies, or bringing them under arbitrary government If the ministry can secure a majority in parliament View now the situation of America: loaded with taxes from the British parliament, as heavy as she can possibly support under,--our lands charged with the most exorbitant quit rent,--these taxes collected by foreigners, steeled against any impressions from our groans or complaints Considering the utter impracticability of their ever being fully and equally represented in parliament, and the great expense that must unavoidably attend even a partial representation there, this House thinks that a taxation of their constituents, even without their consent, grievous as it is, would be preferable to any representation that could be admitted for them there.
The New Englanders by their canting, whinings, insinuating tricks have persuaded the rest of the Colonies that the Government is going to make absolute slaves of them. I have heard it asserted by some, that as America hath flourished under her former connection with Great Britain, that the same connection is necessary toward her future happiness, and will always have the same effect.
Nothing can be more fallacious than this kind of argument Not one third of the inhabitants, even of this province [Pennsylvania] are of English descent. Wherefore I reprobate the phrase of parent or mother country applied to England only, as being false, selfish, narrow and ungenerous The injuries and disadvantages we sustain by that connection are without number; and our duty to mankind at large, as well as to ourselves, instruct us to renounce the alliance: Because, any submission to, or dependence on Great Britain, tends directly to involve this continent in European wars and quarrels; and sets us at variance with nations, who would otherwise seek our friendship, and against whom, we have neither anger nor complaint.
Historical maps can help us understand a number of things about everyday life in colonial villages. Looking at the map and using the information provided above, see if you can answer some of these questions:. Skip to main content. Board of Education and School Desegregation Brown v.
Bush: U. Reading Primary Sources: an introduction for students Appendix B. Wills and inventories: a process guide Appendix C. Who created this source, and what do I know about her, him, or them? When was the source produced? Where was the source produced? Contextualize the Source What do I know about the historical context of this source? What do I know about how the creator of this source fits into that historical context? Why did the person who created the source do so?
Explore the Source What factual information is conveyed in this source? What opinions are related in this source? What is implied or conveyed unintentionally in the source? What is not said in the source? What is surprising or interesting about the source? What do I not understand about the source?
Alexander Hamilton, Peter Kalm, and Rev. Andrew Burnaby. Martin," a British sea captain. Discussion questions. Framing Questions.
Supplemental Sites. The Colonies: 2. Coming to America 4. New Settlers 5. New Colonies 7. Indian Lands 8. The Land 9. The Colonies: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Descriptions , PDF Map zoomable : A map of Philadelphia and parts adjacent , Engraving zoomable : An east perspective view of the city of Philadelphia , depicted date, ; created ca.
Overall, what impressions do you get from these readings of the four coastal cities in the s?