What is the difference between nerd and geek and dork

Nerds usually dress conservatively and are more interested in the mind than their outward appearance, although as both men and women they tend to be tidy, clean-cut, and hygienic. Nerds generally are self-confident in the academic setting and take pride in their intellect and band together with other nerds although their social skills outside of their academic obsession are diminished.

Dork : Someone who has special interests like a geek but whose interests and obsessions are less common and odd, such as having an oddball collection of some sort like old Three Stooges bubblegum cards or an uncommon skill like yodeling.

Walking talking Star Trek encyclopedic knowledge and convention dress up obsessions can be considered dorky. They can act silly at times and not care what anyone thinks. Dorks are typically more noted for their quirky personality and tend to be loners. Hygiene can sometimes be an issue.

Dweeb : A person who tends to be regarded as physically wimpish, intellectually challenged, and socially awkward, with little self-confidence. Dweebs tend to be obsessed with unusual pursuits like dorks tap dancing or ant farms but are lacking in skill, knowledge, or ability.

Dweebs tend to be loners like dorks but understand their shortcomings and lack pride. I did not see that definition. I couldnt stand this concept I couldnt stand this concept all bottled up. I just started a micro course on how to get more geeky. There are a few points There are a few points missing from your otherwise mathematical Venn-ness: 1. You forgot to mention anything about the women who totally elevate your status just by agreeing to be seen with you.

If you look in the mirror each day only to ascertain whether or not you need a haircut or to wipe toothpaste off your face, and never to see if you look handsome or not, does that make you a dork, nerd or dweeb? Now, when I look in the Now, when I look in the mirror each morning, I smile, wink, and shoot a finger pistol at my reflection.

Still check for toothpaste, but doing all that other stuff makes it far less obvious. One bit of info that will help them decide — do you blow fake smoke from your finger pistol? Allison, Allison, I agree, you are a geek. Pretty sure Ed is too. Please stay there, us nerds need good cops as much as you geeks need us bad cops. Who else would be up at Who else would be up at a. From the outset, then, nerd seems to operate like geek in that you can preface nerd with just about any subject in which you claim to have some sincere interest and expertise.

A caveat , though. We can sort of hear it; can you? In the early s, a geek was a circus performer who horrified audiences with freaky things like biting off the heads of live animals, like chickens and snakes.

With the computer and tech revolution, geek boomed in popularity with its friend nerd. Unlike nerd, though, the word geek rooted itself more squarely with technology-related fields once it quit biting off animal heads.

Thus, because technology is so important in the Digital Age, so are geeks! Feedback See Today's Synonym. Word of the Day. Meanings Meanings.

It was in the year that people got the meaning of nerd as slang, that everyone uses today. It is often used to refer to an intellectually slow or foolish person. The story behind the word 'geek' is also very interesting. The word was originally used as an insult. The first documented usage of this word can be traced back to The term was used to define the circus performers who used to perform crazy stuff.

The performances also started to be known as geek performances. However, nowadays the term 'geek' is used to refer to someone who is overtly passionate about something, such as a particular book or video game. For example: Harry Potter geek or Dungeons and Dragons geek. The term usually has nothing to do with intelligence.


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