In norse mythology who is loki

None of the gods escaped his scathing tongue. With the arrival of an angry Thor, who was late to the feast, Loki decided it best he finally moved on and shape-shifted into a salmon before jumping into a nearby river to escape. Read more about: Vikings The history of the Viking Age. Thor wife was Sif, the golden-haired goddess of Earth and harvest.

One day, obviously feeling completely bored, Loki decided some random mischief was in order. Creeping up on a sleeping Sif, Loki snipped off her famous locks. Although Loki found this hilarious when Thor found out he obviously did not. To avoid being crushed by the rampaging God of Thunder, Loki pleaded with Thor to let him make amends. Thor agreed and Loki descended beneath the earth to find the dwarves who dwelled below. Famous for their craftsmanship abilities, Loki had the dwarves make a headdress of golden hair, which he duly gave to Sif to her great delight and relief.

Alas, they were not. Although the Marvel Universe tells us otherwise, in Norse mythology the two gods were not related. Although it could have been even bigger had Loki not decided once again to play mischief. Claiming that they could never make anything as spectacular as the sons of Ivaldi, he even bet his head on that fact.

This leaves the reader to choose between two logical conclusions: 1. This would mean that there is a record of Loki being worshipped in Denmark by royalty, no less , which invalidates claims that Loki was never worshiped in antiquity. The fact that he was being worshipped by a king could also signify that Loki was at one time held in much higher esteem than is usually believed, and perhaps he even possessed a cult of his own.

A charm that may bear a resemblance to the Nordendorf Fibula was recorded in the 19thcentury by a clergyman from Lincolnshire, England, who supposedly heard it spoken by an old countrywoman as a boy. However, the odds that the clergyman correctly remembered this obscure poem that he heard by chance in childhood are rather small.

Many sacred locations in Northern Europe bear the names of gods and goddesses. However, this argument is hardly viable, as there actually were people, places, and even stars that were named after Loki. In 12th century Northumberland, England, there is a record of a man named Locchi. It has also been traced to the place names Lockbol, Luckabol, Lockesta, and Locastum. Loki was considered to be the most cunning god of the Norse pantheon, and surely at one time it would have been considered auspicious for a clever man to bear his name.

Because of the lateness and obscurity of this poem it seems to have been largely ignored or overlooked in the Heathen community, but it seems uncharacteristic that a mythological figure who was traditionally reviled in Scandinavia would possess a story that casts them as an clever hero. That Loki has a landmark in the Faroe Islands named after him could also demonstrate that Loki received some degree of affection from this populace in particular.

Myths and Folklore Wiki Explore. Top Content. Forum Blog posts. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? But in the days of the Norsemen such a stone would have bent light in a helpful way for seafarers. Toggle navigation Menu.

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Contact us for more information on how you can make a difference. Fantastic Folklore: Loki Myths A myth is another type of traditional story that involves the early history of a culture. There are four types of Myths. They finally were able to stitch his mouth shut to keep him quiet from insults Loki is the father of Hel, the goddess of the land of the dead. He is also the father of Jormungandr, the world serpent.

When bound until Ragnarok, Skadi places a venomous snake above him, which causes him terrible pain with the poison. When Odin interrupted him, the all father God was not spared either and Loki called him unjust and unmanly.

Loki however targeted her as well accusing her of betraying Odin with his brothers Vili and Vi. Finally Thor who was absent during the feast arrived and immediately warned Loki to be silent. Thor became furious and threatened Loki with his hammer. Finally Loki left the scene saying that he had shown the Gods and their sons the sharp edge of his tongue. Loki soon realized that the Gods would now come after him and fled from Asgard realm of the Gods.

He hid himself atop a mountain where he built himself a house with four doors so that he could watch his pursuers from all directions. During the day he would shape shift himself into a salmon and hide in the waters nearby, and by night he would fish for his food and sustain himself. The Gods were indeed looking for Loki seeking for his punishment and Odin perceived his whereabouts. The Gods sewed their own net and tried to catch him but Loki successfully evaded them. Knowing well that it would be impossible to evade the net forever, Loki decided to take a big risk by jumping downstream and swimming to the sea.

However when the salmon finally made the leap, it was caught by Thor. Loki struggled to be free but Thor held him fast by his tail fins. Loki was then taken to a cavern and meted out a cruel punishment for his misdeeds. His two sons Vali and Nari were summoned. Vali was transformed into a wolf, who then killed his own brother Nari leaving his entrails across the cave floor.

But every once in a while the dish would be full and she would be compelled to turn away and empty it. In the third year of the Great Winter, the Gods battle one another to the death of both combatants. Some Norse poems also suggest that Loki helped to get the giants to Asgard by sailing them there on his ship Naglfar.

During this final struggle, they are both destined to die at each others hands. The sources can thus at best be seen sceptically for their credibility and reliability in understanding the pre-Christian Norse world view.


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