In the present day environment, every organization wants to increase its performance for effectively facing the market forces. The employee commitment helps the organization in this objective. In fact, It is crucial and a key element in the organizational success. Several studies on the subject have proved that a positive relationship exists between employee commitment and productivity.
However, for the management, getting the employees committed who are competent and ready to give in their best in the pursuit of the objectives of the organization has been not an easy task and the management often faces problems regarding this.
It is universally known that employees when they have high commitment then they contribute their maximum energy and time for achieving the organizational goals and objectives. This also provides the employees a sense of satisfaction and this sense of satisfaction further motivates them to give their best. Hence, the organization needs to develop the commitment of the employee by adopting the finest methods to see that the employees remain committed to the organization.
For this, the organizational management is to adopt various techniques to ensure that the employees develop positive attitudes towards the organization. These techniques provide the employees with job satisfaction and job involvement. The motivated, involved and committed employees become an asset for the organization, since such employees lead to increase the productivity and hence the performance of the organization.
Employee commitment also results into the employees getting a sense for an attachment for their organization. Since the employees start treating organization as their own organization, their level of satisfaction and engagement improves. Employees become high performing employees. Hence, the organizational management is to pursue all those practices which make employees committed.
Commitment is not only a human relation concept but involves generating human energy and activating the human mind. Without commitment, the implementation of new ideas and initiatives is compromised. The commitment is defined as the steadying strength which acts to retain the behavioural move toward in the fairness conditions and the psychological condition of the commitment are the bonds of individual towards organization.
Commitment has also been defined as a psychological state which binds the individual to the organization. This binding force can be experienced in different ways which can be accompanied by different mindsets including i an affective attachment and involvement with the target, ii a felt obligation to the target, and iii an awareness of the costs associated with discontinuing involvement with the target.
Committed employees are one of the greatest assets any organization and can have and play a major role in overall organizational efficiency and profitability.
The greater levels of employee commitment lead to organizational benefits such as a continuous flow of improvements, cost and efficiency improvements and active employee participation. Committed employees are believed to enhance the organization as they feel secure in their jobs, are well trained, feel part of a team and are proud thus enjoying doing their jobs.
Employee commitment results into benefits which include i increased job satisfaction, ii increased job performance, iii increased total return to shareholders, iv increased sales, v decreased employee turnover, vi decreased intention to leave, vii decreased intention to search for alternative, and viii decreased absenteeism. With this in mind, employee commitment is to be viewed as a organizational necessity.
Organization which ignores employee commitment has difficulty in retaining and replacing the competent employees and thus finds it hard to optimize performance. There are not only the immediate expenses of the recruitment process, but other hidden costs such as management time and lost productivity as new employees take time to become effective in their roles.
Evidences derived from social science studies have shown that there is now a broad agreement amongst experts that high commitment work practices do improve performance, productivity, and the quality of service.
However, when employees positively interpret high commitment work practices, it sequentially increases their commitment to the organization, thereby increasing their individual performances and hence organizational performance also increases.
It is the degree to which the individuals have strong attachment to the organization. Employee commitment is significant for every organization, since high levels of employee commitment benefits the organization in several ways. Although a commitment strategy can be tied to organizational human resource practices, recruitment, selection, performance, and evaluation, it can also be used to develop psychological connections.
Organization achieves its objectives when competent and committed employees are engaged. Employees are regarded as committed to the organization if they are willingly to continue their association with the organization and devote considerable efforts for achieving organizational goals. The high level of efforts exerted by employees with high level of the organizational commitment leads to higher levels of performance and effectiveness both at the individual and the organizational levels.
Here, employee performance is defined as the attained outcome of actions with the skills of employees who perform in some situation. They suggested a three component model for the organizational commitment. The three component model is a dominant framework for the organizational commitment. It is based on a more comprehensive and a clear understanding of the organizational commitment.
The three component model Fig 1 of the organizational commitment consists of i affective commitment dimension, ii continuance commitment dimension, and iii normative commitment dimension. Affective commitment is the degree that employee is emotionally attached to the organization. The normative commitment is the degree that an employee is attached to an organization because of social norms and ethical reasons. They make a greater effort to be autonomous, set more ambitious goals, and get more done.
Organizational commitment boosts productivity. They want everyone to be putting their all in to achieve shared goals. When an employee is heavily invested in an organization, they are increasingly likely to be cooperative, immerse themselves in collaboration and working within teams.
A committed employee is more likely to advocate for their organization because they believe in the larger vision. When an employee is committed, they are much less likely to call in sick than their co-workers. This is because they are more likely to enjoy coming to work, completing tasks, achieving goals, and being a valued team member.
Job satisfaction refers to how much an employee enjoys their work. When employees like their job, they are more likely to develop a stronger connection to their organization.
A study conducted by Dirani and Kuchinke indicated a strong correlation between job commitment and job satisfaction and found that satisfaction is a reliable indication of commitment.
In fact, one of the top reasons employees leave their job is job dissatisfaction, which means ensuring employees are happy and enjoying their work should be a top priority in all organizations.
A study by Hulpia et al. The results demonstrated that a higher amount of leadership support and cohesion led to an increase in organizational commitment. Employees that are well supported are more likely to feel happy at work, and therefore more motivated and productive. The study also showed that when leaders distribute leadership responsibilities out to other workers, this increases job satisfaction and commitment instead of all the leadership resting on one person.
When an employee receives conflicting requests from managers role conflict comes into play or experiences a lack of information to complete a task role ambiguity , this is likely to cause role stress. Stress can lead to a decrease in performance, productivity and satisfaction, and an increase in the probability of the employee leaving the organization.
Role stress and ambiguity almost always have a negative impact on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Empowerment in the workplace refers to motivating and energizing employees towards achieving goals, enhancing self-efficacy by reducing powerlessness, and increasing motivation and commitment.
Structural empowerment: the ability to get things done and to mobilize resources. A study by Ahmad et al. Job insecurity negatively correlates with job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment.
When an employee believes their job is secure for the long-term, they are more likely to become invested in their role and the organization. This includes how employees fit into this picture, how they can contribute, and also their role today and in the future. This means being transparent with profits and losses and strategies.
When an organization does this, it helps build trust, employees feel valued, and their performance is more likely to increase. Additionally, when goals and objectives are clear, employees can make better decisions on a day-to-day basis and cooperate more effectively within their team.
Ways to achieve this include holding monthly profit meetings, sending out a newsletter to employees with essential updates, and ensuring top management are all on the same page. Acknowledge that a worker may stay with his employer even if he's dissatisfied with some aspects of the job. His motivation varies, reflecting varying levels of performance. If he is committed, he may remain employed longer than you expect. Develop him as an asset, such as by giving him increasingly challenging tasks, allowing him to become more influential and derive intrinsic benefits from his position.
Keep an ongoing dialog with him to understand what motivates him and adjust his development plan to help him achieve his goals inside the organization. Audra Bianca has been writing professionally since , with her work covering a variety of subjects and appearing on various websites. Her favorite audiences to write for are small-business owners and job searchers.
Since the s, organizational commitment is one of the interesting topics that have caught significant attention from many researchers in different workplaces; studies on this topic have developed continuously with a valuable contribution not only to scholarship, but also to practical applications, which are useful for managers in organizations. The results of this research show that organizational commitment is a topic, which can be defined in different ways or seen in terms of diversity.
In addition, the definition of this topic is inconsistency Zin, , which leads to difficulties in accessing and understanding the implications of the research Darolia et al. The different perspectives on this topic, which are summarized, show that the nature of organizational commitment is examined in terms of attitudes and behaviors.
It is not important whether the commitment process begins with attitudes or behaviors, but more importantly in how relevant their interactions are with behaviors Mowday et al. For several authors, the term commitment is used to describe an effective orientation toward the organization.
In the affective attachment approach, the most frequently mentioned definition of organizational commitment was evolved by Mowday et al. According to Allen and Meyer , ensuring continuous and desirable work outcomes of employees lead to positive impact on organizational commitment of employees.
In such circumstances, employees easily accept the organizational culture of the company. Vuong et al. In addition, Jatmiko et al. Meanwhile, transformational leadership style was not found to have an effect on organizational commitment. In addition, organizational commitment also reflects efforts to complete the task, being proud to be a member of the organization, and loyalty to the organization. It is defined as a positive evaluation of organization and purpose of work toward the goal of the organization Sheldon, It is described it as support, giving affection for the organizational goals and values, where the role of the employee is to work for the pure goals and values related to the organization Buchanan, There have been many research efforts to identify factors that explain the organizational commitment behavior among employees in the FDI enterprises.
Performance is determined as the period of accumulation to achieve certain work Simanjuntak, It reflects that work performance is a period of achievement accumulated by the individual via their work.
Eliyana and Muzakki emphasized that work performance in organization is definitely influenced by three major antecedents: organizational support, management effectiveness or capacities, and work performance of each individual who work at that organization. Rivai et al. It is noteworthy that previous studies reported positive correlations between commitment and work performance. Meyer and Allen , however, argued that since affective, calculative, and normative commitment reflected three different mindsets, they would have distinguishable implications on the outcome behaviors.
The desire to belong to the organization affective commitment might be the most likely to have a positive correlation with job performance Ahmad et al. Employees who experience positive situations at workplace will be more satisfied at work, and ultimately their job satisfaction will enhance organizational commitment Martono et al. Also, job satisfaction has a linkage with work performance.
Bethel argues that leadership has a strong ability to affect employee. Leadership is divided into two types: transactional and transformational leadership Bass, Hellriegel and Slocum state that transactional leadership is based on three primary components: contingent reward, active management by exception, and passive management by exception.
Tichy and Devanna presented characteristics regarding the estimation of transformational leadership, including qualities, courage, openness, values, learning and ability of visionary.
Leadership style is also reflected in the level of interest of an employee in a higher position for an employee in a lower position in an organization Currivan, Leadership styles include the attitude, interest, words, gestures, and actions that superiors or administrators have toward their employees. Purvanova et al. Positive behavior of leaders can foster motivation and employee commitment Akinboye, ; Lo et al.
Swanepoel et al. In addition, leadership style and employee job satisfaction are the cornerstones of organizational effectiveness. Leadership style determines job satisfaction Lo et al. Therefore, improving leadership style and management capability is an issue that no organization wishing to achieve long-term success can ignore. After removing 26 questionnaires because of blank forms or insufficient responses, the study includes respondents. The demographic information is represented in Table 1.
Results reveal that More than a half of employees are single, accounts for In terms of working experience, Moreover, This study uses a quantitative research method through four major stages. Secondly, confirmatory factor analysis CFA was utilized to show the model fit, dimensionality, validity, and reliability of variables.