Joey breaks up with Chris over the phone while she tries to decide whom she will choose: Dawson or Pacey. After Jen's funeral, Pacey suddenly tells Joey that she's "off the hook".
Pacey explains to Joey that despite his endless love for her, he can't hold her back any more. Since both Joey and Pacey had troubled and painful childhoods and adolescence's Joey with her mother's death from cancer and her father's imprisonment for drug trafficking, and Pacey with his outrageously neglectful and abusive parents.
But his point is that, as much as Joey wanted, all her life, was to get far away from Capeside and see the world, Pacey seems forever destined to be stuck there just like his alcoholic loser father, and grandfather, and so on. Before returning to New York, Joey sits with Dawson and confesses that even though they may never be together, he and she are soul mates and nothing should ever change that.
Add content advisory. Did you know Edit. Trivia Meredith Monroe filmed a scene in the final episode, visiting Jen at the hospital and then talking to Pacey at the hospital canteen. This, however, was cut from the episode but is included on the DVD. Goofs When Grandma wakes up in the hospital room and looks at Jen, she checks her pulse using her thumb.
As a former nurse, she would know a thumb has a pulse, so whatever she is checking would appear to have a pulse. Quotes Lilly Leery : What's a soul mate? Alternate versions The two final episodes 6.
User reviews 6 Review. Top review. Must come to an end". I recommend that every teenager should watch this emotional story. The entire series is brought together in this episode, as it shows their future lives since their childhood.
The part of the story which makes it a memorable ending to the classic series, is the part when Jennifer Lindley, michelle Williams dies and leaves her daughter to the godfather Jack McPhee Kerr Smith. The series ends in an unexpected way and this adds to the great effect of the last episode. The sad part of the series is that it has to end, but it has the best ending i have ever watched. The actors and everyone behind the scenes, including the producer and the director deserve to be thanked for making such a wonderful ending to the perfect series.
I watched the whole series and found that it was all made spectacularly. Details Edit. They never once said who Amy's father was. If they had, the father would have been awarded custody when Jen died. All she said when Jack picked her up was, "remember when my boyfriend knocked me up and left me? Dawson's Creek Related Clubs. Cookies help us bring you Fanpop. By using Fanpop, you agree to our use of cookies. Learn More Got It! Katie Holmes. Pacey and Joey.
Joshua Jackson. With her beloved Jen gone, and her great-grandaughter destined to remain in Capeside, what does Grams do? Does she return to NYC and settle for a long-distance relationship with her last remaining link to Jen, or does she uproot her life in the Big Apple and head back to the burbs?
With Grams' age and health Gram whispers to a lifeless Jen she'll see her soon being the primary reasons why she doesn't become Amy's guardian, Grams may require care that only her daughter Helen can provide. Since Grams is incredibly close to Jack, there's no doubt they figure out a way to make sure Amy gets to spend ample time with her great grandmother.
Dawson's success as a TV writer and director finally captures the attention of his long-time idol, Steven Spielberg. Does Dawson make a big studio picture? Does he continue to hold out hope for a silver screen success, and can he stay true to his auteur vibe, or will he sell out in the days of superhero franchises? Can Dawson write about anything where Joey isn't his muse?
Dawson's regrets about life passing him by and feeling dissatisfied with his work appear to dissipate when he returns to La La land, but there's a good chance his ennui returns.
Sticking around Capeside has never been Pacey's dream, and there are plenty of talented chefs and great eateries in New York, so Pacey relocating makes sense. But he's also the proprietor of The Ice House, and Joey is so happy he reopened her family's former restaurant, it's hard to picture him dumping the place on someone else.
NYC isn't an undoable commute, and maybe down the road, the twosome finds a way to split their time equally between the hustle and bustle of the big city and the quiet beauty of their creekside hometown, particularly if Joey stops editing books and begins writing them.
Doug convinces Jack to stay with him in Capeside and raise Amy together. Hopefully, the citizens of Capeside don't run the sheriff out of town once they discover he's gay. Jack's been fighting for tolerance in this small seaside hamlet since his mid-teens, so the only way this couple stays put is if Capeside evolves along with the rest of the world when it comes to supporting members of the LGBTQ community. It's unclear why Jack even bothers to return in the first place, and throughout the most of the finale, he expresses frustration with Capeside, so it's hard to picture the couple remaining there.
With his self-proclaimed soul mate snuggling up with his former best friend in the Big Apple, Dawson appears to be solely focused on his career.
His only other remotely-enduring love interest dies, so things are looking bleak for Dawson in the romance department. If being the driving creative force behind a hit TV show can't put Dawson in the crosshairs of a worthwhile mate, what will?