They can be in any combination of widths in other words, in any order, but only narrow and wide. Multiple-width symbology, however, allows for three different widths of bars versus only two 1x, 2x, 3x.
This allows for a more difficult encoding and decoding process, and again, allows for more accuracy and precision when marking and keeping track of inventory. Another way to think of barcode symbology is to equate it to a language. Every part of a barcode has a special meaning, which is why it is encoded to be interpreted by a computer.
The basic principals and foundations of barcode symbology are the symbol set, density, readability, setup, and acceptance. Learning about what each principal means can make interpreting various barcodes much easier. The UPC code is the most commonly used form of barcode symbology. This is typically used for items in grocery stores or smaller general merchandise stores. Each stacked symbology has a method of encoding position information so that the data in the various rows can be associated together in the correct order.
This is why multi-row stacked symbologies, like regular linear symbologies, are line scannable. The location of the cells are determined by an image processing algorithm which used the fixed pattern of the symbol to map the locations of the individual cells in the symbol. Sample Barcodes Not only are there many barcode symbologies, but there are several general types of symbologies: Linear , Multi-row stacked , and 2D Matrix.
Determining the best barcode symbology depends on the type and amount of data required, and the marking space available. The same symbology is not required for all items, because barcode readers can recognize and decode multiple barcode formats. There are more than barcode symbologies, but only a few are appropriate for unit-dose identification. The three leading symbologies for unit-of-use labeling are Code , Code 39, and the reduced space symbology RSS family.
Below are overviews of the main symbologies:. Code is a variable-length symbology, so symbols can be as long as necessary to encode required data. Also called code 3 of 9, it is one of the oldest and most widely used symbologies. It is a variable-length alphanumeric symbology for encoding 26 capital letters plus numerals and seven special characters. Code 39 is less dense than Code , thus requiring more room on the package.
The RSS family of symbologies finds use in limited-space applications. Only an even number of numeric data can be encoded within this symbol. The container symbols are used by retailers, manufacturers, and distributors for accurate logistical and inventory handling. The data carrier used to encode the ITF is Interleaved 2of5. Code is a very compact and versatile language which allows the encodation of the entire ASCII character set. This symbology is self-checking and is designed with geometric features to improve scanner read performance.