Where is franciscan china made

The allowable limits are 90 ppm lead in the coating and ppm in the substrate in the case of dishes, if they were children's dishes, this would be the ceramic base of the dish, vs. Turn the heat on only after placing the pottery in the oven. If you put the pottery in a hot oven they will break or crack.

Franciscan was advertised to be " oven - safe. Using Franciscan ware in the oven is not recommended. Desert rose is the colloquial name given to rose -like formations of crystal clusters of gypsum or baryte which include abundant sand grains. The crystals form a circular array of flat plates, giving the rock a shape similar to a rose blossom.

Gypsum roses usually have better defined, sharper edges than baryte roses. Dear Anita, Thank you for all your information. I have inherited many at least a service of 10 or more with the teapot, creamer, sugar bowl and plater of Desert rose that I am willing to sell if anyone is interested.

They all were made in USA. They have that beautiful raised feature. Thanks Mary Beth. We used these dishes when I was a child and many have small chips, etc. I have decided that I love them again and would like to add to my collection. I am glad I found this thread, but disturbed by the lead article that I read here. Everyone in my family ate off these plates for years, so I am not sure how much stock I should put in that article. Anyway, my dishes all bear the same stamp. I believe it is the original, but I am wondering if I could post it here?

I will err on the side of caution and likely put them where they can still be seen and enjoyed. Heavy metals is nothing to mess around with: nerve damage, brain damage, and lots of other issues. I have done a heavy metal detox, so yes I agree, people need to be very careful. I never tested positive for lead though.

Did you test your dishes to see if the lead came from the dishes? I think the ones people are concerned about are the ones made in California. I have a large amount of apple franciscan dinner ware. The bottom reads: Franciscan made in California. How old is that? There are at least 10 place settings as well as serving pieces, tumblers, a pitcher, bowls, a platter, a gravy boat. What do I have? I remember painting desert rose and apple when I worked in the pottery industry in Stoke on Trent.

I love hearing that. So you are one of the artists that did that work. I lived in California in the 80s and went to the factory when it was closing in I found dust covered containers with unusual pieces and purchased several such candle dishes which I have never seen anywhere else. How can I determine their value. The posts are fascinating!

Little did I know that this china was so popular and so widely collected! I always absolutely loved these dishes, used them often, and am getting ready to hand them down to my daughter. If any of your followers are near Toronto, Canada, and have or need pieces…..

I have my great grandmothers 12 piece serving set of desert rose china. I was thinking of selling them. I suggest looking on eBay for pricing information. They seem to be eternally popular! I am I inherited the Desert Rose from an Aunt. I also chose as my own in I only want American, USA marks. I love it and use it frequently. I hope everyone who owns some uses and thoroughly enjoys!

I have many childhood memories attached to this china…. Thank you so much for your post. I was just doing my own research on this and found you. Excellent answer. It went to my mother and when she died six years ago my step father played emotional kidnap with it, so I never received the china.

I have finally come to terms and am looking to purchase my own set. The prices are all over the place. I like to consider after the lead issue start date. Or, are the dishes still made? I thought I read that they are. I guess it all comes down to what do I want to do. I also have a cream and sugar and salt and pepper, one sauce dish, 5 cups. I live in West Michigan, near Grand Rapids. Can you or any of your viewers help me with this or how to look for an antique shop who buys?

Like so many of us, I too have my Grandmothers Apple Blossom set, which I cherish and do not use for fear of breaking. However, several decades past, for my graduation present we went to shop for my everyday china pattern, and since she had Apple Blossom, I picked Desert Rose which I do use everyday. I hunt for made in the USA when I am in a antique store. Question: I want to believe that the plates with the 3 marks on the bottom, are older as the marks appear to be from a stand possibly for hand painting which is then broken off and glazed over.

Do you have any insight on this, as you have been researching off and on for so many years. Keep searching. I bet someone knows the answer. I have over 87 to 90 something pieces of the dessert rose set , little plates, big plates, cups, a tea pot , gravy bowl and so much more ……even salt and pepper shaker.

I have had them for years. Not sure what to do with them. I have dishes from when the Dessert Rose was first manufactured the s they made the shape less scalloped the s when they were made in England by the Wedgewood Company and then the latest made in Japan or China…I was told Japan.

I keep adding to my set as the family grows my latest purchase was the original s dishes…huge round and oval platters, plus huge pitchers and plates. I am happy to tell you that all dishes was beautifully under the light setting in my dishwasher. I would love to post a picture of the differences in the plates over the decades…and the various markings on the reverse sides. If you would like photos, let me know! Thank you for sharing what you have learned about Franciscan Desert Rose china.

Most are from pre The possibility of LEAD never occured to me! I was trying to decide whether to sell all but 4 place setting and the serving pieces before moving to the lower 48, but due to risk of lead I will sell all of it! Glad I found your site. Any clue as to who and where I can sell it to and how I would go about finding the value? They came from my grandmother, to my mother, to my wife.

They have been in a display cabinet and we are remodeling. My mother or wife do not want them at all. Would love for someone to own these that would appreciate them. Todd, I would check with local resale shops and consignment stores.

I am not sure what the going price is, but you can check the prices on eBay for a ballpark figure. I have some pieces that I am going to sell both good and chipped. You can contact me if looking for some, maybe I can help. I just acquired some Franciscan Desert Rose stemware goblets to go along with my set of Desert Rose dishes.

These glasses are not marked Franciscan anywhere on them. In looking online for instance on ebay I was noticing that alot of the stemware does have the Franciscan marking. I have compared the design of mine with the design on the marked glasses and mine do appear to be authentic Franciscan. What would be the reason why some stemware did not get the marking put on them?

Thank you. I have some pieces that I am willing to sell dated Made in England, microwave and dishwasher safe. I have the covered casserole, sugar and creamer, serving platters as well as cups and saucers, dinner plates. Let me know if you are looking. I have some pieces that I am going to sell. Contact me for more info.

I am 90 years old and purchased Desert Rose when I was married in Now, just today, discovered there might be a lead issue. Oh, my! My late sister 5 years older than I purchased Guardian Service when she married. Used it her entire life. Her daughters now in their 70s grew up with all their food prepared in it. Hammered aluminum.

It was no longer available when I married. Warehouse had burned. How I love using it. Really enjoyed reading all of these responses. Learned a lot and enjoyed reading about the attachment some of us feel for old standbys.

Another time and place. June B. Is there any place I can obtain info on every piece of franscian desert rose pattern. I have so many pieces I have no idea what they are. Any info you can share with me will be greatly aporeciated. I think you should be able to find a lot of information by simply using google. All the best to you! It is all made in the USA and generally from according to the marks.

She died in so I know none was purchased after that. The rose bud salt and pepper shakers have a black ceramic bottom. Any ideas about this? Susan, I wish I did! I get asked so many questions about Desert Rose, and sadly I am just not an expert. You could probably find an answer if you google your question. Thank you for your informative article on these beautiful dishes. I would like to share my experience about possible lead content in Franciscan dishes. I have owned my Franciscan Apple dishes since I was married in They were new at the time and have used them daily with my family for all these years.

I love this pattern. Over the years several pieces have been broken so I have bought replacements through Replacements. They sent older dishes which were in excellent condition, and I knew what approximate years they were made by the back stamps. I also have a few dishes that were made in England date of on the back stamp.

They are not quite as pretty as the original but close enough. While looking up the back stamps on the internet, I began seeing articles about lead content in vintage dishes, and became very alarmed by what I was reading about Franciscan dishes. In the articles different types of lead testing were used, some very sophisticated and others were kits from the hardware store. I did not see any reaction color pink on my newer dishes, even the ones slightly pitted from use.

So my garbage can is now full of beautiful but dangerous, I feel, vintage Franciscan Apple dishes. In my household there is no way to keep them separated for display only, so out they went. I will continue to use my set since it did not test high for lead with my kit. Some might think that a dish should go to a lab for testing and not to trust a kit from the hardware store, and that would be their choice.

I have a very healthy grown family with no known problems associated with lead. I am not an overly cautious person, but I will be careful to discard dishes as they chip, and not use in the microwave anymore. And I will definitely serve children on current lead-free Fiesta dishes. Glad you are educated about the lead and are keeping your family safe Sally. The dishes can even be dangerous even if just handled. We ate off of them everyday for most of my life and they are my daily china now with absolutely NO ill effects.

For the record I am This response is fear mongering and disappointing. The marks are explained and pictures of them in this youtube video. We ate off of them everyday for most of my life and now they are my daily china with absolutely NO ill effects. Additionally, all the children in our family have eaten from them and grew up to be military officers, medical professionals to homemakers. I am not surprised that the dishes were fine for you. I think a lot of these old plates are fine, but I have to be on the safe side, and give this disclaimer about the possible lead content.

Anita — Maybe proof your first couple of paragraphs. Franciscan is misspelled. Loved the article. I got my set on FreeCycle and need to evaluate it. Spelling is not my thing, as you can tell. Have a blessed day! Your information was helpful. I would like to know more about the timeline of the various companies that produced the hand painted glassware that matched the dishes.

I hope you find someone more knowledgeable about the dishes. Your email address will not be published. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.

Learn how your comment data is processed. All the photos and text this site are copyright protected. Email requests to anita at cedarhillfarmhouse dot com. Perform any project shown at your own risk. The author assumes no liability for loss or damage that result from these projects.

If unsure, seek professional advice before attempting any project. Comments I have my grandmothers Franciscan Apple and I love it! Vikki, you did GOOD girl!! The English pieces are worth a lot!! Archival examples of the Franciscan ware were packed up and given to the Wedgwood Museum.

Does Franciscan Ware contain lead? Can Franciscan Ware go in the dishwasher? What is Franciscan China? When was Desert Rose china made? What is Desert Rose Rock? Similar Asks. Popular Asks.


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