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This discussion is archived and locked for posting. Archived discussions are usually a bit older and not as active as other community content. I really want the Davinci Kalani and I notice it's available via amazon and Target for same price!
I wanted to know of its worth waiting or just go ahead and order now? I'm 28w so not many big holiday sales coming up until independence day which is when she's due!
Thanks for your input! Newest First. Ellieishavingababy, I bought my crib for my son who is now 2 at target So yes target a couple times a year will have sales or clearance on furniture. Good luck. Ellieishavingababy, You might check amazon for price. They have free shipping and free returns on a lot of their products, and I'm pretty sure I saw davinci cribs on there. If you register at target you get coupons and a gift card so maybe start a registry and see if there's a coupon you can use on the crib.
I'm definitely going to register at Target - wouldn't have thought to check for coupons through the crib through that tho! Best twin mattresses for kids. Best Cyber Monday deals of Baby eczema: Symptoms, triggers, and treatments. Best babyproofing supplies. What I wish I'd known about buying baby gear. Best soft baby books. New to BabyCenter? Join now. Password Forgot your password? Keep me logged in. Check it out!!!
Hopefully you can keep watching craigslist Good luck! We also bought our first crib on sale at Target. You have plenty of time, so shop around for a better price and get one when you see a really good deal. Based on my personal experience and from talking to lots of moms, more that likely you won't put a baby in a crib for a first few weeks anyway my peanut and my niece stayed with me and her mom in sleeper for almost 2 months before we finally graduated to teh crib.
When I bought mine, I hooked up with someone from Craigs List. Join now to personalize.